Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thanksgiving Placemat

Hey! So because it is November, that can only mean one thing. Thanksgiving!!!!! Here is a craft that you can use during your Thanksgiving feast!

What you Need:
Brown paper
Yellow paper
Orange paper
Printer paper

1. First, cut all of the colored paper into even strips

2. Take one strip of any color and place it horizontally.

3. Take another strip in a different color, and place it vertically. Glue one end to one of the end of your first strip. Now take more strips of the same color, and do the same thing along the horizontal strip. Male surety leave some space

4. Flip it over, and use the same color strips as the horizontal one. Glue them horizontally along the vertical strips. Make sure to leave some space in between each strip.

5. Wait for this to dry, but you are not done.

6. Now, flip it over again, and take your last color and place those strips in-between the spaces of the horizontal strips. The design should look plaid.

7. Cut a small square off the printer paper, and write your name and what you are thankful for on it.

8. Laminate this, and use it as a place mat or decoration!

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