Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ying Yang Nails

Do you like to do your nails? Well, I do, and recently, more like yesterday, I did something so cool. I made Ying Yang on my toes! If you've never seem Ying Yang before, I might suggest looking it up on google search to see if you want to put it on you nails. Anyways, I'll tell you how to make it. First, you need two different color nail polish. And a knitting needle or some kind of semi sharp stick. Now, dip the the stick into the nail polish and make a line with two curves through the center of you nail. This is a little hard but it might be easier if you know what Ying Yang looks like. Then once you have that line, It is a little easier. Now, this time, use the brush and paint the right side of the line black, and the left side, white. Wait for this to dry. Once it is dry, put a white dot in the lower right corner in the black. Then put a black dot in the upper right corner in the white. It is easier if you use the knitting needle for this.

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