Saturday, October 23, 2010

Poster Palooza!

A great way to decorate your house is with posters. It may not work so well outside, but it will make the inside of your house look like a Halloween Hodown! There is really no steps, but let's give it a try.

What You Need:
Poster paper
Markers, color pencils, or crayons. Maybe paint

1. Make a poster related to Halloween. Think of things that symbolize or are common during Halloween. A witch, werewolf, vampire,monsters,candy,pumpkins,etc. Draw it on your paper with a pencil first. Then outline it with black. Make it colorful!
2. Find a place in your house that needs spookification!
3. Make as many as you want, if you are having a Halloween party, you make one for each of your guests!

Happy Halloween! Mua Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha,(cough) Mua Ha ha!

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