Saturday, October 9, 2010

Barbie Mummies

This craft is going to give you the giggles. You can use this a s a halloween decoration, or just for fun. We are going to mummify Barbie dolls!! What you Need: Barbie or regular doll toilet paper roll Scissors Tape Parents permission 1. Take the dolls and put them on a table. Keep them in a straight position. 2. Take the tape, and stick one toilet paper end to the doll. ( your choice if they are naked or not) start at the feet 3. Slowy roll the dolls in the toilet paper and make sure you continue this for at least 5 minutes. Once they are fully covered, stop 4. Now, take. The scissors, and cut the toilet paper. Tape that end to the doll as well. 5. You've got yourself a mummy! If you want extra, draw a face on it, or make a chain, it is your ideas after this point.

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