Monday, June 28, 2010

What Are You Gonna Do?

Summer has sprung! School is over so you probably have double the time to do fun stuff! What are you going to do? I'm going to Connecticcut for July 3rd, 4th, and 5th. But, other than that I'm expecting nothing more than watching T.V. and the internet. Wrong!!!! What ever you do, stay away from watching T.V. and the internet for more than6 min. There is a reason summer is sunny and nice. Or if it's one of those days where the weather takes a turn for the worst, build, plan, make, and create something!!!! There is a world of projects and crafts. Remember this and you will have a nothin' but fun summer! Bye!!!

1 comment:

Sarah A. said...

Wow. I'm on the internet like all the time. If I'm not on the interet, I'm watching T.V. I cannot do without T.V. and internet, but I will try. :)