Saturday, September 19, 2009

2 Spooky Games!

I pretty sure you want to play something on Halloween then just trick-or-treat, right? Well I have 2 games that will definitely make your Halloween fun-tastic! 1. Scary-Story Contest I discovered this when me and my friends were telling scary stories on my school bus(not horror though,that's too scary). This is how you play, Everyone tells a story that is a 5 on a scary scale. Then every one rates it by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 being the best. Once everyone has a rate then the person with the highest rate tells what they're going to be for Halloween(this year or next year,depending on when you play it) and how much candy they think they'll get! You can't vote for yourself though. 2. Monster-Mixup I discover this just now. This is how you play, Randomly everyone shouts a monster. Then they do it at the same time. Like so, "vampire!" "witch!" "goblin!'' then when you do it at the same time it should sound like this "vatchlin!". If you think that won't work then just say monster names and mix them up!

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