One word, prank. The thing everyone does on a historical day, April 1st. April Fools Day! This year, I pranked my dad, and my class and I pranked two teachers. Let me tell you about the teachers first. We did the same thing to both of them, but it was successful. We just walked into the center of their classrooms, and started singing our national anthem. The music teacher was so happy and proud of us, but our teacher got rid of our recess. April Fools! She didn't really, but she pretended to. Now about the prank on my dad.
Ever see those sink with the extension cord? In the picture, it is that little black nozzle next to the sink's faucet. Well, when you push a button on that, and turn the sink on, it sprays so you can use it to wash dishes better. I put a rubber band around the button so it was pressed, and my dad was the first victim. He turned on the sink and it sprayed him and the kitchen. No one, got hurt, but some got wet. Well, those are just my pranks, there are a couple I want to tell you about, that my genius friends pulled off. Okay, one of my friends threw toilet paper all over her brother, her sister's, and her parents bedrooms. Next, one whole class, all the kids wore fake casts, they had the gauze and everything! I found out it was a prank the minute one kid just slipped of his cast and started to write with his hand. Lastly, this prank, my teacher pulled. Okay, this will be slightly confusing, so I'll call my teacher, teacher A and the victim teacher, teacher B. So teacher B went to go get a water bottle and asked teacher A to watch her class. Teacher A took the kids in the class and hid them in the library, and came back to our class. A few minutes later, teacher B came into our room, looking as flustered as ever, and started blabbering about her class. Where were they? What did you do to them? What am I going to do? Teacher A maintained a straight face, and fooled teacher B, teacher B was looking all over, and she eventually found them in the library. Teacher A made a smart, yet classic move, and blamed another teacher and ran away. :) That's our wonderful teacher!:) Pulling pranks is the best way for students and teachers to bond. Well, that is all, Happy late April Fools Day!
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