Hi! Wow, it's been quite a long time since I've been on this blog. Everything seems so different, well, nothing actually changed, but, you know that feeling you get when you haven't seen something in a long time, and you suddenly see it, and it seems so different? That, is how I feel right now. I feel like I just said way too much. Oh well, humans are nothing without words, and the more the merrier, right? I wish i could get "certain people" to believe that. Anyways, it is almost the end of summer, which means I don't have to lay around and feel lazy anymore! School just brings a whole new feeling of "Have to finish this, then start this, then make sure I check that," and well, just pretty much and organized kind of feeling. Oh ya! I almost forgot! I am going to a new school! The thought is quite horrific. But, the school is so cool! There are lockers and stairs and two floors, and and option of French or Spanish, and lunch is so much cooler than it should be! Cooler, as in better, more interesting. Oh, I am really excited. I already got my school supplies. All, except a standard/metric ruler with three ring holes for a binder, and subject dividers. Today I am going to get some school clothes and new shoes, because my sneakers are wayyyyyyyyy tooooooo tight. Anyways, I think I said enough for the both of us to think about. Okay, then that's enough for now, promise I'll write more again soon, see ya!
Aparna's Blog
Documenting the little things in life.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Spring Break Busy
ISn't spring break suppoesed to be relaxing? Well, it is, but I decided to catch up on some school work. It makes going back to school or work easier if you finish your work now and you won't have to stress over it. I am working on my research project on stem cells. I finished a brochure and am finishing up a tri fold board. Keep yourself busy. Hang out with friends, do something productive, enjoy your time off. :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Getting Into Gamenight!
I believe this problem arises quite a bit in families, so I will address it. Spending time together. With parents working, kids being with their friends and going to school, I fond it tough to manage a bond. This idea will hopefully change that all. Game night! And I know you're probably thinking, "Gmaenight? I have no time for game night!" and in some cases that true. But I bet you can find at least an hour or a thirty minutes to get down and just play.
Once you've put aside a time for game night,"everyone has to play!:)" you need to find out what to do. Some popular ideas are board games, charades, video games, etc. But, I would keep in mind, to keep everyone interested, have a different person pick the activity each time. I'd also start off with something light like charades, just to get used to it. After deciding what to do, decide where to do it. A clean, room with lots of area and a good feel to it would be ideal, but it is up to you. Oh, and a little tip about when to do game night might be on a Sunday or Saturday night because not many people work on those days and kids are home from school. Anyways, after all of those steps, you are set for family game night. Add it to your schedule and await it each week.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Dried Up Paint
Paint is one of my most favorite things in the world. There are endless possibilities when it comes to using it, and there are endless amounts of forms of it. It is beauty that is waiting to make its way onto display. Well, I recently have been fooling around with paint, (I've made quite a large mess) and fell in love with a certain form of paint. Dried up paint. Not like when you paint a picture and it dries, but when you pour a thick dot or bulge or random shape of paint onto a surface and wait for it to dry. Once it dries, it is strechy, and feel really cool. I do this mostly on tin foil, because if you use paper, the paint will make the paper soggy and it might break. Anyways, I highly recommend doing this beacause it is fun, and you can make a lot of stuff out i=of the dried up paint. All you need is tin foil and paint. just put a piece of tin foil flat in front of you, and pour a big glob or small glob onto it. Maybe make a design, but you need good old globby paint, otherwise it will make it seem like a regular picture. Van Gogh used this technique when he painted so that his paintings would have texture. Anyways, moving on. You should wait one to three nights for the [aint to dry depending on how much paint you use. You will know when it dries because it looks dry, but every few hours or so, you might want to try lightly touching the paint with a pencil to check. Once it is dry, you can keep it on the tin foil, or peel it off. But it is so much fun to play with!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Late April Fools
One word, prank. The thing everyone does on a historical day, April 1st. April Fools Day! This year, I pranked my dad, and my class and I pranked two teachers. Let me tell you about the teachers first. We did the same thing to both of them, but it was successful. We just walked into the center of their classrooms, and started singing our national anthem. The music teacher was so happy and proud of us, but our teacher got rid of our recess. April Fools! She didn't really, but she pretended to. Now about the prank on my dad.
Ever see those sink with the extension cord? In the picture, it is that little black nozzle next to the sink's faucet. Well, when you push a button on that, and turn the sink on, it sprays so you can use it to wash dishes better. I put a rubber band around the button so it was pressed, and my dad was the first victim. He turned on the sink and it sprayed him and the kitchen. No one, got hurt, but some got wet. Well, those are just my pranks, there are a couple I want to tell you about, that my genius friends pulled off. Okay, one of my friends threw toilet paper all over her brother, her sister's, and her parents bedrooms. Next, one whole class, all the kids wore fake casts, they had the gauze and everything! I found out it was a prank the minute one kid just slipped of his cast and started to write with his hand. Lastly, this prank, my teacher pulled. Okay, this will be slightly confusing, so I'll call my teacher, teacher A and the victim teacher, teacher B. So teacher B went to go get a water bottle and asked teacher A to watch her class. Teacher A took the kids in the class and hid them in the library, and came back to our class. A few minutes later, teacher B came into our room, looking as flustered as ever, and started blabbering about her class. Where were they? What did you do to them? What am I going to do? Teacher A maintained a straight face, and fooled teacher B, teacher B was looking all over, and she eventually found them in the library. Teacher A made a smart, yet classic move, and blamed another teacher and ran away. :) That's our wonderful teacher!:) Pulling pranks is the best way for students and teachers to bond. Well, that is all, Happy late April Fools Day!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines Day!
Well, its here. Valentine's Day. Sorry, this year i didn't do much, but I'll tell you what I did today. Actually, my grade doesn't have a Valentine's party, but it was fun after school, during dismissal. I did get candy and cheesy cards, but at dismissal..
*Some kids were pretending to give Valentines to each other, but it was actually wrappers with no candy in them. It was funnier when you saw the kids expressions. They thought there was candy in it, but it was garbage.
* A girl on crutches was going crazy. It was actually entertaining.
* Many more miscellaneous conversations and activities, but it all fit together and made a very funny Valentines Day.
I am currently having Fun Dip. :):):):) Prepare for sugar rush in 5,4,3,2,1,HEHEHEHHAHHAHHEHHEHHAHAHHA
*Some kids were pretending to give Valentines to each other, but it was actually wrappers with no candy in them. It was funnier when you saw the kids expressions. They thought there was candy in it, but it was garbage.
* A girl on crutches was going crazy. It was actually entertaining.
* Many more miscellaneous conversations and activities, but it all fit together and made a very funny Valentines Day.
I am currently having Fun Dip. :):):):) Prepare for sugar rush in 5,4,3,2,1,HEHEHEHHAHHAHHEHHEHHAHAHHA
Monday, February 7, 2011
New Lyrics?
Everyone saw the halftime show, and agreed that it was not good despite the two random guest stars ( Usher and Slash). But, there was one moment that i think was interesting. Will.i.am put his own little spin on the band's song 'Where's The Love" by giving a message to Pres. Obama. The following is what he sang (or spoke if I do say so myself):
"In America we need to get things straight / Obama, let's get these kids educated / Create jobs so the country stays stimulated."
I mean ofcourse it was a good message but a bit odd. In most songs you don't hear those words especially a message clearly for Pres. Obama. Well, that is all. The choreography was good but the music was not up to stats in Superbowl XLV.
"In America we need to get things straight / Obama, let's get these kids educated / Create jobs so the country stays stimulated."
I mean ofcourse it was a good message but a bit odd. In most songs you don't hear those words especially a message clearly for Pres. Obama. Well, that is all. The choreography was good but the music was not up to stats in Superbowl XLV.
What Happened Christina?
Well, as you obviously can see, the Super bowl is still on my mind. But now I'm thinking more about the music played there. The Black Eyed Peas added a little spin to one of their song, but more on that later. Right now I am focusing on a certain singer's mistake. Christina Aguilera made a blunder in the words of the Star Spangled Banner. Now I find it very disrespectful of a person to flub the national anthem, ecspecailly on a national stage like that. Now what exactly did she do? Well, at the line "What's so proudly we hailed at the.." Christina substituted "What's so proudly we watched at the..." One word made the whole thing sound different. On to the next mistake. She also skipped a line. Yes, a whole line. "O'er the ramparts we watched" was sadly not there. I personally feel she was more interested on waving her childish wave instead of remembering the words. Being "cute" is less important than memorizing your words. If she was not who she was and a child or un-discovered artist, i would understand breaking down under pressure, but having won an Emmy, she is very comfortable on stage. This was clearly an act of incompetence.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Minute By Minute- Super Bowl XLV
6:42- Nelson on Greenbay just missed a perfect throw by Rogers
6:47- Pittsburgh, false start, 5 yard penalty
6:49- Miller on Pittsburgh missed a throw by Rothlisberger
Man, those Terrible Towels are spinning
Aaron Rogers keeps giving the football to Starks
7:00- Touchdown on Grenbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Nelson!!! Go Packers!
If Greenbay gets another touchdown by halftime, they will be well ahead, but those Stealers are tricky.
7:06- Another Touchdown on Greenbay baby!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Collins!
7:18- Start of second quarter
7:23- Steelers field goal. 3 pints to Pittsburgh
Ben is playing with an injured foot. Gotta admire his determination,
Packers are really good at tackling opponents.
7:42- Greenbay interception
7:44-Touchdown Packers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21 points!
7:48- Pittsburgh gain 37 yards.
7:56- Touchdown for Steelers. Nice one Ward.
8:00- Halftime show with Black Eyed Peas!!!!!!!!!! First time with a band since a long time.
Lot's of lights! Those dancers are like human lightbulbs! So "Tron Legacy" like.
The one and only SLASH!!!!!!!!!!!! This rocks! Now there's Usher! Talk about epic. Yes everyone, the Blaked Eyed Peas!
Time for football.
8:30 3rd quarter begins
8:31-10 yard penalty for Greenbay.
8:33- False Start, 5 yard penalty Greenbay
8:34- Jones on Greenbay just gave up a easy touchdown.
8:42- Touchdown TSeelers. Mendenhall did good.
8:47- It is official. Nelson on Greenbay stinks! He keeps missing perfect catches!
8:52- Steelers timeout.
8:57- Greenbay's own Matthews narrowly missed a touchdown. Greenbay needs a touchdown or steelers will catch up
9:03- Why'd Rodgers hand it to Stark instead of throwing it?!
9:04- Greenbay timeout.
9:06- Greenbay has to pull up or they are out.
9:10-Greenbay personal foul.
9:11- gders is messing up.
9:23-4th quarter begins
9:28- Rodgers threw a perfect throw and Nelson just missed.
9:29 Nelson got another chance and made it so close to the endzone.
9:30- Touchdown Greenbay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Jennings!
9:39-Flag to Steelers
9:42-Touchdown for Steelers, good one Wallce.
9:43-Steelers got a 2 pt. conversion
Jennings ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9:53- Nice one Jones!
9:55- Nelson on Greenbay STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! He could have made a touchdown, but he just can't catch!!!
9:56- PAckers got a field goal. Now they lead by 6 pt. They can do this!
9:59- Stealers personal foul.
10:05- Greenbay INTERCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:06-PACKERS WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm happy.:):):):):):)
Steelers vs. Packers. who will win? I'm am rooting for Greenbay. What about you? I'm watching the game at the moment. I'll keep you updated. Go Greenbay!
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