Sunday, September 27, 2009

Scary Sleepover

Here is an idea for a scary Halloween, have a scary sleepover! Ask your parents permission and get planning. Tell everyone who's coming to get a scary story in they're head, so they can tell it at the party! You can also play scary games and do scary crafts. If you think you'll get nightmares then do a scary-silly theme and do silly things that are a little scary. You can even watch Halloween movies (I hear they're going to have scary movies and shows all through out Oct. on Disney Channel). Have fun!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fun stuff to Do - Idea Envelope

Ever get bored or have nothing to do?Well, not anymore! This is an idea I got when I had nothing to do. Things you need- envelope, paper, and a pen 1. First, take the envelope and write "Idea Envelope" on the front. 2. Next, on each piece of paper write things you like to do. 3. Lastly, put the papers in the envelope and when you get bored pick a piece out and do what it says.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fun Stuff to Do- Paper Mache Pumpkin

I bet you want to make a paper mache pumpkin, right? Well, that's why I'm here, to tell you how. What You Need: Paper, Flour, Water, a Balloon, and Black and Orange paint 1. Before you start you need to make your mache(the paper will come in later). To do that mix your water and flour together until you get a pasty substance. It should look like a thick milkshake,but don't eat it! Make sure you have 1 or 2 bowls, 2 preferably. 2. The next step is hard if you can't blow a balloon. So, take a balloon and blow it up until its an oval or a circle (ask a parent if you can't). Then tie the end. 3. This part is messy so put out newspaper in your work space. Take the paper and cut it into thin pieces. Enough to cover the entire balloon twice is enough. Dip each piece into the mache. Take it out and put it on the blown up balloon. Keep doing that until the balloon is covered completely. Once it's dry put a second layer. 4.After it's completely dry paint it orange and paint a jack o'lantern face on it. 5. Then pop the balloon inside, oh, if you want to make it a pinata leave a hole in the top that's not covered in mache. That's it, once its dry hang it up or fill it with candy!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

2 Spooky Games!

I pretty sure you want to play something on Halloween then just trick-or-treat, right? Well I have 2 games that will definitely make your Halloween fun-tastic! 1. Scary-Story Contest I discovered this when me and my friends were telling scary stories on my school bus(not horror though,that's too scary). This is how you play, Everyone tells a story that is a 5 on a scary scale. Then every one rates it by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 being the best. Once everyone has a rate then the person with the highest rate tells what they're going to be for Halloween(this year or next year,depending on when you play it) and how much candy they think they'll get! You can't vote for yourself though. 2. Monster-Mixup I discover this just now. This is how you play, Randomly everyone shouts a monster. Then they do it at the same time. Like so, "vampire!" "witch!" "goblin!'' then when you do it at the same time it should sound like this "vatchlin!". If you think that won't work then just say monster names and mix them up!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Have a Story!

Okay, so you remember that I was going to write a story right? Well, I thought of an idea and it's... Dracula- Fly Version! I came up with the idea when I saw alomost 4 flies in my classroom. They're gone now, though. I'll be writing the story here as soon as I finish writing it in my Writers Notebook.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scooby-Doo The Mystrey Begins

I watched a movie a few days ago and I'm pretty sure you have too. The movie is Scooby-Doo The Mystery Begins. It is awesome but Freddy isn't blond! My favorite character is Velma. Although, Shaggy looks and sounds like the cartoon. I highly recommend this movie to any one who wants to watch some ghostly comedy and of course Scooby fans. Aparna's Daily says this movie is " Scoobyrific!"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Halloween Celebration begins!

What is your favorite kind of monster? My choice changes every time I watch or read something scary and here about a new one. That's not the point though, I want to draw and right a story about a monster. Here are my choices: a vampire b ghost c witch They're all classic monsters in the scary theme. I want to do 1 of them. I'll tell you what I think as soon as I think of it.

I know how to do Binary Numbers! (a little)

OK, so I had do this school project about Binary numbers. It's a code that all computers use. I can write up to 43 in the code. It only uses 0's and 1's. Some of them may be wrong but I do know how to.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Slightly sidetracked

I'm sorry to say that my blog won't be as scary as planned but trust me on this blog were definitely having some fun on Halloween. There is going to be some scary pictures on the side of my blog. So I think it's scary enough to be cool and not scary enough to freak you out ,which is a good thing. By the way if you didn't notice I've been dropping clues that Halloween is my favorite holiday. If you have any comments or suggestions I am very open to them and want to hear them.

Monday, September 7, 2009

One Scary Barber Shop

Have you ever heard of a barber shop that was scary? Well, when I went to get my haircut, the minute I stepped in I heard a wolf howl! The employees put makeup on, ripped their shirts a little, and put red paint on their faces to look like blood! There was even a booth with "Danger Do Not Cross" taped over it and a skeleton wearing a blood stained bib.I loved it so much it inspired me. Aparna's daily is going spooky until Nov.1! If people seem to like it then I'll do it every year (I'll still do it no matter what).

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Look

Look around this blog do you see anything different? The text and page is all blue, my favorite color! If you've never been to this blog before everything used to be pinkish and magenta. I might change things randomly like this to my satisfactory so don't be surprised if you see anything different. I'm writing this part 2 days after I wrote the main part so the blog looks different but it was like that.

Friday, September 4, 2009


Guess what? In my new school there's this thing called big brother and big sister for the GAT program. Which means a student from 5th grade project GAT will be paired with a 4th grade GAT student which I am one of. This school year is going to rock!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bruises, Bruises, and more Bruises!

OK, so I was playing outside with some of my friends and next thing you know I'm back at my house with three nasty bruises that were bleeding!Let me give you a back story.You see, we were washing down a chalk drawing we drew on on the drive way.We got a bit crazy with the hose and I slipped and fell on the street but don't worry this blogger is okay.The good thing is that since I got hurt I probably won't during the school year.School is tomorrow and I'm ecstatic!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I love my new school!

Guess what? Yesterday I went to an orientation for the new school I'm going to!I love the school and my teacher is awesome. Most of my friends are going too. I'm going to have so much fun! I'm am going to miss the teachers and other friends at my old school though. Well like they say ''When one door closes another one opens" and that is so true.